Nokiagame 2003

Sale Solden 2023Sale Solden 2023

Nokia Game

De Nokiagame is al een beetje bezig. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld een demo spelletje  downloaden.

Maar er worden ook al MMS en/of mails verstuurd. Het id is ook om een Clan volgende week op te richten, maar de naam weet ik nog niet. Dacht aan ScolopendrA (latijn: duizendpoot). Hieronder de eerste 7 mails. Latere mails zal ik allemaal posten.

301003. Ivalo, Finland. HOLIDAY! Time for some Flo Boarding 😀 So… No SoFlo for a while. And >> off we GO! xF

Sale Solden 2023Sale Solden 2023

311003. Ivalo, Finland. They STOLE my MOBILE! And: a friend got freaky messages, supposedly from ME… What should I do? Ill keep you posted… xF

011103. Vaalima, Finland. All my friends receive midnight prank calls now! According to the police, my mobile was last used in Russia… Lets go after it! xF

021103. St. Petersburg, Russia. This slob must be a gaming MANIAC… But hes gone, WITH my mobile *sigh* Why does this happen to me? xF

031103. St. Petersburg, Russia. OK! Still no CLUE what to do, but with your HELP I will find this thief and get even! (Just need to know HOW exactly…) xF

041103. St. Petersburg, Russia. Noticed someone following me this morning – check the pic. This is MORE than just a stolen mobile…! Im outta here! xF

051103. St. Petersburg, Russia. Heading for unknown destination – just taking the first flight out of here. (tomorrow Ill tell you where I am) xF

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